Spring and summer are the perfect time for pool parties, late night swims, or even suntanning on a float! However, you still need proper preparation in order to fully enjoy your pool. Getting ready for summer ahead of time will allow you to use your pool to the best of its abilities without wasting time later down the road.

Pre-Preparation Checklist

Before you can begin, you must establish a list of items required for getting your pool ready for summer. Below is a list of basic equipment needed.

  • Pool vacuum,
  • Telescopic pole (to attach cleaning equipment),
  • Testing kits,
  • Leaf net,
  • Brushes,
  • Filter cleaner,
  • Pool shock,
  • Pool chemicals (i.e., chlorine).

Cleaning and Removing Your Pool Cover

The first step of preparing for summer is to remove, clean and store your pool cover in a safe and dry place so that it is ready for next use.

Cleaning your cover is relatively simple, all you have to do is:

  • Remove large debris,
  • Rinse the cover with water,
  • Scrub gently with a soft brush and use a mild detergent to get clean,
  • Allow it to dry and store away!

Removing Debris and Check Pool Equipment

After winter and harsh weather has left for the season lots of debris and damages can occur to your pool. Take time in checking your pool, removing debris, as well as replacing and/or fixing damages that may have occurred during this time.

  • Use a net and telescopic pole to remove chunks of leaves, dirt, sticks and anything else that made its way under the pool cover.
  • Inspect pool filters, pumps, and other equipment that could’ve gotten damaged or worn out.
  • Make sure pump lids, and plugs are intact.
  • Check your filters to ensure they are still in good working order.

Clean and Examine Pools Interior

You’ll want to be thorough with this step as small things can be overlooked and potentially cause further damages or other issues to come forth, such as cracks, and bacteria growth; which can lead to water discoloration, algae, bad odors, health complications, and more.

  • Get a soft broom to brush the sides and bottom to loosen any caked on mud and other substances,
  • Check for damages; examine pool walls and whole interior for cracks, chipping and any other wear and tear that may have occurred,
  • Use a pool vacuum along the bottom to scrape up any remaining dirt and grime,

Filling Your Pool Water

When filling up your pools be sure to get the water levels just right. Use a garden hose and monitor the time it takes to fill. Depending on size, and other factors, this could take several hours. Be sure to check for leaks and cracks when refilling your pool.

Test and Balance

Your pool water chemicals should be around the ranges set below:

  • Total Alkalinity: 80 to 120 parts per million (ppm)
  • pH: 7.4 to 7.6
  • Chlorine: 2.0 to 4.0 ppm
  • Calcium Hardness: 200 to 400 ppm

Once your water is tested you can then figure out how much of each chemical to add.

  • Treat your water with pool shock in order to kill any bacteria or algae,
  • Add chemicals and treatments to the water.

After all chemicals, treatments, and a shock to your pool has been conducted, test the water once more to ensure proper levels. You can then sit back and relax in the sun by your fresh, beautiful swimming pool!